Project Description

Independent Medical Evaluations

An Independent Medical Evaluation consists of a thorough physical assessment of an individual’s current condition along with review of existing medical records and diagnostic studies, when available.  Our expert evaluators provide a comprehensive report addressing all issues asked of them by the referring party, clearly and concisely.  They are also available for depositions and testimony as needed.

IME Scheduling

Axiom Evaluations’ scheduling team will ensure that the evaluator assigned to each IME has the necessary background to address all areas of concern.  We provide a detailed appointment notification to all parties as requested, along with a courtesy reminder to the injured party reminding them of the IME date and time to minimize missed appointments.

We offer access to transportation services and translation services.  We can also arrange advanced diagnostic testing such as EMGs, MRIs or CT scans, if the evaluator feels they are needed to provide a definitive medical opinion.

Reports & Quality Assurance

  • History of injury and subsequent medical treatment

  • Pertinent past medical history

  • Review of available medical records and/or diagnostic studies

  • Physical examination of injured body part(s)

  • Opinion and responses to all questions posed by the referring party

Our Quality Assurance team reviews all IME reports for typographical errors, clarity and consistency, and to ensure all questions posed by the referral source have been answered clearly.  All reports are reviewed and signed by the evaluator.  The QA team also coordinates addendum reports when new information becomes available.


Monday – Friday 8:30 -5:00
Saturday By Appointment
Sunday Closed
